Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Clean Your Sliding Glass Door Tracks

How to Clean Your Sliding Glass Door Tracks

Much like many typical families, we all have those days dedicated to cleaning your home from floor to ceiling. You spend the entire day cleaning every nook and cranny; at least that is what you think. Odds are, those of you with sliding glass doors scrubbed them down until not even one streak was visible, except you probably missed an area that almost every family misses; the track to the door. Even when you grow frustrated as the doors open less smoothly, you still don’t even think to give it a good scrubbing; it seems like too daunting of a task. But on the contrary, there are multiple ways to clean them up in a jiffy and get on with your spring (summer, fall, and winter) cleaning!

First, you can whip up a bowl of good old fashion soap and water! Simply create the mixture using your preferred cleaning product with warm water, then take an old rag and simply wipe down your door tracks; taking special care to the bottom one. This will sweep away dirt and leave you with a cleaner track. To get out that hard to remove dirt, you should consider using an old butter knife to carve it out of any cracks or corners.

Additionally, there are multiple spray products to use if you’d prefer an easier method. Many people love to use WD-40 in order to create a smoother slide for their doors. Simply spray your track and slide the door back and forth several times in order to spread the product along the entire track. Or, if you want a deeper clean for a smoother track; take a vacuum hose to suck up the loose dirt located on the track, then take a safe surface spray such as Windex and wipe down the track with a clean towel.

Chances are you spent good money when installing your sliding glass doors, or maybe an existing one was a deciding choice when choosing your home, therefore they should be taken in great care. They are a great addition to any home, and are easy to maintain if you take the time to do so! We suggest giving your tracks a good cleaning at least once a month, if not twice in order to keep them as clean as possible and avoid any possible problems with the doors.

To read more about sliding glass doors, check out our homeonwer's guide blog here.

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